

37signals 是一间芝加哥互联网应用公司,著名产品如 Basecamp,并以开发 Rails 框架著称。下面是他们公司公布的决策原则



  1. 为什么我们要做这个决定,为什么要现在做这个决定? Why are we deciding anything at all? Does a decision actually need to be made here?
  2. 是否是正确的人来做这个决定?谁是拥有正确信息、背景和洞察里的正确人选(不是角色)?谁只是在插嘴? Is the right person making this decision? Not the right role, but the right person with the right information, context, and insight? Who’s merely chiming in?
  3. 如果忽略眼前利益,我们一年以后还会对这个决定有什么感觉? If we remove the immediate impact, how do we think we’ll feel about this decision a year from now?
  4. 为什么还没有做出决定?为什么我们之前没有决定? Why hasn’t this decision been made already? Why didn’t we decide before?
  5. 为什么我们要花这么长时间做这个决定,我们在犹豫什么?这说明什么? What’s taking so long to make this decision? Why are we hesitating? What does that reveal?
  1. 为什么别人会做出不同的决定,他们是怎么想的? Why would someone else make a different decision? What’s the other side — or two or three — look like?
  2. 我们是否可以把这个决定变小?我们能不能把一个大决定变成三个小决定? Can we make this decision smaller? Can we take one big decision and turn it into three smaller ones?
  3. 这个决定是可逆的吗? How easily can we reverse the decision?
  4. 我们对这个决定的第一直觉是什么?我们现在是不是只是在兜圈子,试图用数据来证明本能反应? What was our first instinct on this decision? Are we now just walking around in circles trying to justify that gut reaction with data?
  5. 我们不做决定会发生什么? What would happen if we just didn’t make the decision?
  6. 我们上次做类似这样的决定后发生了什么? What happened the last time we made a decision like this?
  7. 做出决定后,我们期待什么,害怕什么? What are we looking forward to after the decision is made? What are we afraid of?
  8. 怎样才能让我们更容易的做这个决定?我们可以在考虑中排除哪些因素? How can we make this decision easier? What parts can we eliminate from consideration?
  9. 这会不会是个错误的决定? Is there even a wrong decision?
  10. 如果我们等到明天早上,我们会做出不同的决定吗? Do we anticipate making a different decision if we wait until tomorrow morning to make it?
  11. 是做出任何决定都比不做决定好 还是 不做决定比做出任何决定好? Is any decision better than no decision, or is no decision better than any decision?
  12. 这个决定会影响哪些其他决定? What other decisions will be impacted by this decision?
  13. 这个决定会消除做更多决定的可能,还是会增加做更多决定的可能? Will this decision eliminate the need to make other decisions, or will it create the necessity to make even more decisions?
  14. 哪些信息的缺失会导致我们做出不同的决定? What missing information would lead to making a different decision?
  15. 这个决定是导致更多的工作还是消除更多的工作? Will this decision make more work for people that don’t have extra time for that work? Or will it eliminate work?
  16. 这个是让别人练习做决定的好机会吗? Could this decision be a good one for someone else to practice making?
  17. 我们什么时候要做决定? When do we have to decide?
  18. 这将是一个一劳永逸的决定,还是一个重复需要做的决定? Will this be a one-and-done decision, or will this be a repeating decision?
  19. 是否有公司外的人需要参与还是我们可以自己做决定? Is anyone outside the company depending on this, or is this a decision of our own making?
  20. 这个决定对客户和我们有什么影响? How does this decision impact customers vs. impact us?
  21. 这个是一个主要基于数据的决定还是一个主要基于直觉的决定? Is this primarily a data-based decision, or an intuition, gut-based decision?
  22. 另外一个意见会帮助还是阻碍? Would another opinion help or hinder?
  23. 如果我们被迫在这一秒做出决定,那会是什么? If we were forced to make a decision right this second, what would it be?
  24. 如果我们在90天前做这个决定,我们认为我们今天会在哪? Where do we think we’d be today if we made this decision 90 days ago?
  25. 如果我们的决定没有考虑XYZ,这个决定是否有什么我们会后悔的地方? Is there anything in this decision we’d regret if we didn’t take X, Y, or Z into consideration?
  26. 你是否关心这件事情的走向? 如果不关心,那你为什么要参与? Do you even care which way this goes? If not, why are you involved?
  27. 我们何时以及如何会知道这个决定是否正确,甚至是否重要? When and how will we know whether the decision was the right one, or if it even mattered?
  28. 当结果出现后,它们是否可以用“肉眼”能看到,还是只能用“显微镜”才能看到,如果是后者,那有什么关系? When the consequences of our decision appear, are they likely to be visible with the naked eye or do they require a microscope to detect? If the latter, does it even matter?
  29. 如果做出这个决定,我们会违反哪些原则? What principles are we bending if we make this decision?
  30. 我们是否是要求多人来做一个本该由一个人完成的决定? Are we asking multiple people to make a decision that one person should be making?
  31. 努力的回报是否值得? Is the return on effort worth it?
  32. 如果我们做出了这个决定,什么变更容易,什么变得更困难? 从长远看,是更容易了,还是短期容易,长期困难? What gets easier if we make this decision? What gets harder? Will easier remain easier in the long term, or is it short-term easy but long-term hard? And vice versa.
  33. 归根到底,这个决定是为了钱吗? In the end, is this about money?

